New Directions Social Care

Recruitment & Training Provider in the Social Care Sector

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Twitter Versus Talking

New Directions teams silenced by social media

New Directions Social Care and Nursing teams will be taking part in a revolutionary communications experiment. On Wednesday 20 June 2012 the teams will work with the internal Compliance department to identify if the human touch still reigns supreme over digital communications.

The teams will communicate their business requests, needs and updates using only Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for a full day. Speaking prior to the event, Leah Seltzer, Head of Compliance for New Directions comments: ‘My initial thoughts are that communication via social media may be too time consuming. I am also apprehensive about the lack of human interface and intonation which may lead to misunderstandings. Despite my reservations this will be a very exciting experiment, and I look forward to taking part and seeing the results’.

Twitter has over 140 million users generating over 340 million tweets a day; Facebook has 900 million users and LinkedIn has 140 million subscribers worldwide.

The aim of the experiment will be to identify if communication methods within a day-to-day business environment have changed. The teams selected to take part in this experiment sit only metres apart and have regular discussions regards their interlinked workloads.

Head of Department for the Social Care and Nursing teams Sarah Blackmore said: ‘The two teams currently work very closely, not just in physical proximity. Our function relies on the Compliance team being able to ensure our candidates are ready and compliant for work. This experiment compliments what we do as a team already in terms of twitter and other social media channels. Using it as a principle way to communicate day-to-day business need is an altogether different challenge. One of the key factors for consideration is our confidentiality policies. We will of course not publish any data about our clients and candidates online’.

Results of the experiment will be published in a press release to be issued Thursday 21 June. For more information about this experiment, please contact Ruth Dalton, Group Communications Manager on 07972131381 or email [email protected]

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