New Directions Celebrates “World Autism Awareness Day”
World Autism Awareness Day shines a bright light on autism as a growing global health crisis. WAAD activities help to increase and develop world knowledge of the autism epidemic and impart information regarding the importance of early diagnosis and early intervention. Additionally, WAAD celebrates the unique talents and skills of persons with autism and is a day when individuals with autism are warmly welcomed and embraced in community events around the globe.
By bringing together autism organizations all around the world, we will give a voice to the millions of individuals worldwide who are undiagnosed, misunderstood and looking for help. Please join us in our effort to inspire compassion, inclusion and hope.
We are planning to hold some events to celebrate World Autism Day – Cardiff culminating in co sponsoring “Holly’s Ball” which is held in the Millennium Lounge at The Millennium Stadium on Saturday 2nd April 2011.
As a number of our service users and employees are affected by Autism it is vital we support such a worthy cause and look forward to increasing the awareness locally and throughout our company network.
Please all remember those less fortunate than yourselves and help & support where you can, it all helps no matter how small.
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