New Directions Kit Out Defending Champions

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New Directions Social Care has donated a football kit to a promising national children’s home 5-a-side team. The company have worked with New Directions for over five years and were delighted with the contribution from the team.

The 5-a-side team will be taking part in an annual tournament in Swansea against other homes from across the country. The sporting enthusiasts aged from 11 to 18, who come from diverse backgrounds, will compete to win the competition as defending champions.

Liam Healan of New Directions Social Care commented “We work closely the children’s home in question, and have done for a number of years. Supplying capable and positive staff members to the team is rewarding on a business level – we are able to fit the right candidates into the right situation. However, supplying a sports kit and knowing we are empowering young people to express themselves through football is exceptional.”

The competition was due to take place in early July. Due to the bad weather the UK has been experiencing it was unfortunately cancelled. It has now been rearranged to take place early August come rain or shine.

Speaking about the football kit donation, a spokesperson for the care home said “We can’t thank New Directions Social Care enough for this kind gesture and it has helped kit out children and staff for our home, for our upcoming National Children’s home 5 a side football competition. The children are delighted to be wearing this kit with our home name on and cannot wait to play in it.”

New Directions Social Care actively participates in community projects and aim to be embedded within the sector as a recruitment partner of choice.