New Directions Social Care Add Value
The New Directions group of companies has recently implemented a series of company values. These five key qualities will be delivered by all teams within all aspects of their day-to-day work.
The values include Community, Innovation, Respect, Integrity and Quality. The business has been in operation since 1999 and has nine offices across the UK. In the wake of continued year-on-year growth, New Directions have committed to delivering the five values – selected by employees of the business in every aspect of their working day.
In a bid to engage staff across all nine offices, the Senior Management Team led by Sophie Cecil, HR Director and former employee of the Mitie group of companies launched an internal competition. The teams across the business were challenged to submit an image which they thought best represented any of the five qualities.
Ruth Dalton, Group Communications Manager comments ‘All too often businesses forget to consult their internal stakeholders about the issues that matter. We employ a very dynamic workforce and value their input. In issuing such a fun-based competition, we knew we could guarantee some pretty outstanding entries. The winner was decided by the Senior Management Team and will now enjoy a team night out.’
The winning team – New Directions Social Care, headed up by Sarah Blackmore submitted the featured image for their take on innovation (pictured). The team have celebrated significant growth over the past six months as Sophie Cecil highlights ‘After much laughter and then serious discussion, the Senior Management Team decided that the winners of the Values Competition is Social Care with Innovation. This is purely down to the value being intrinsically linked to New Directions and is what we are all about. In particular what this team has done develop in the last 6 months within their team, market place and community. The entry was professionally executed, showing a futuristic, high end successful team which we are striving for within New Directions.’
The New Directions group of companies went live with their company values in August 2012. For more information visit
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