Recruiter gets to the heart of dementia care…

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A leading social care recruitment firm has made bold steps in understanding the very real issues faced by the client groups they work in partnership with.

New Directions Social Care colleague Alys Jones and Jodie Hollyman recently attended a course ran by the organisation Dementia Friends to gain more insight into what life is like for dementia sufferers.

The pair worked through a series of eye opening activities and heard real life stories which allowed them to understand more about what dementia means to both the sufferer and their families.
Speaking about the experience, Alys Jones (pictured) Social Care Sales Consultant for the award winning agency said ‘This was a fantastic opportunity, I’m proud to be a Dementia friend. Improving my understanding of dementia and its effects, I am able to relate more to the needs of EMI units and residential homes. Increasing my knowledge in the sector which I work provides a better insight into the type of carer that is suitable for placements with those with dementia and how we can best support them in the future’.

Alys and Jodie were also approached to consider completing a full course to help raise awareness within their own environment. This pro-active style approach to ensconcing themselves within the social care sector, they state, has led to the business winning six awards so far to date in 2016.

New Directions Social Care works across South Wales and the South West of England in providing recruitment solutions for a variety of social care settings. Asked what they had taken away from the day, and what they would like to ensure others are aware of – Alys and Jodie said:

There are five fundamental statements that need to be remembered by all of us:

1. Dementia is not a natural part of the aging process.
2. It is possible to live well with dementia.
3. It is not just about losing your memory.
4. Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain.
5. There is more to the person than the dementia.

For more information on becoming a Dementia Friend visit