#Lookforthehelpers – a blog by Sarah Blackmore, Director of New Directions Social Care

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So here we are racing towards the end of May, almost reaching the mid-point of the year and so much has happened already.

Our media is consumed by all things general election, and we are only too aware of the spotlight on the social care manifestos from the main parties. Then of course everything stopped for a week when we were faced with the devastating news from Manchester.

As a parent, a daughter and sister I felt immediately a devastating grief for everyone involved. Wonderful, vibrant Manchester blighted once more by the horror of a terrorist attack.

Of course as a nation we will continue to grieve for the victims and pray that their families find the strength to come to terms with what has happened. But amid this absolute carnage and utter devastation I witnessed, along with countless others something quite beautiful – the levels of help that were offered and continue to be offered from the public, healthcare professionals, businesses and other organisations. I was inspired by the #lookforthehelpers hash tag that appeared all over social media; inspired by the story of Children’s Television Host Fred Rogers who spoke of something his mother once said…

Fred Rogers often told this story about when he was a boy and would see scary things on the news: “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realising that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”

I am lucky to be part of a sector – a community that at the very core of what we do is that sense of helping. We meet wonderful people from the social care sector on a daily basis, and their stories inspire us and they keep us going in the darkest of days. This blog is really a bit of a thank you – to all of the brilliant professionals within our community and to the helpers in Manchester. You give us faith that humanity is not lost and that when we #lookforthehelpers we will find them in all corners of life.

Thank you.
Sarah x