Penalty-Shoot out Brightens up the Summer Fayre at Broadlands Primary School

Broadlands Primary held their annual summer fayre on 14th June 2013 the fayre is an annual fundraiser for the school. The school are always looking for innovative attractions for the school fayre and having heard of the past success of the New Directions penalty shootouts requested the use of one for the fayre.
On the day the British weather may not have been what the children were praying for but determined to have a good time the fayre was moved indoors with the penalty shootout becoming a star attraction. The children and even the adults were keen to get involved and have a go. Jennifer Lambert, Account Manager at New Directions Education commented ‘ the penalty shootout is always a popular attraction at any event and has helped raise money for numerous projects, as a company supporting the local communities we work within is important to us and one of the ways we do that is by providing our penalty shootout free of charge to our local schools’
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