Rumney Primary Showcases Creativity

After the Easter Holidays Rumney Primary put their creative heads together to organise an action packed ‘Creative Week’. The whole school took part from nursery through to year 6 and every class produced a show case.
The Head Teacher at the school was keen to exploit cross-curricular opportunities wherever possible in literacy and numeracy via a range of creative activities. The school also explored different genres of music. They also invited a variety of guests which included break dancers, a storyteller, jazz musicians, a textile artist, a stain glass craftsman and a graffiti artist. The graffiti artist Spike Clarke inspired the mural that takes pride of place in the playground area and encouraged the pupils to foster a love of being creative.
Each class produced a showcase where they displayed their work or put on a performance for their parents. Mrs Evans commented on the success of the creative week, she commended the ‘Excellent organisational skills, and enthusiasm of the staff, which made it a great success’. Visitors invited to the school also commented on how well-behaved and well-mannered the pupils were. The Head was impressed by the high standard of work they produced, and pupil’s application literacy and numeracy skills in a creative setting. She added ‘I was also encouraged by the pupil’s involvement and engagement, which resulted in a high standard of behaviour throughout the school’.
The school are now going to emulate their success of ‘Creative Week’ with a ‘Fitness and Well Being Week’ which it is hoped will encourage the pupils to foster a love of being active.
Anna Powell, Account Manager for New Directions Education said of the project ‘our team actively supports school initiatives such as ‘Creative Week’. It is fantastic to see Rumney getting so much engagement, not only from the pupils, but the wider community popping in to offer demonstrations of creativity.’
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