November 2012 Temp of the Month – Birmingham

Congratulations and well done to Rosemarie who was nominated by staff at Grace Mary Primary School to receive employee of the month award for her outstanding achievements over the past few terms. Shevonne Wilson, Account Manager for New Directions, presented Rosemarie with an employee of the month certificate and a bouquet of flowers, thanking her for all her hard work over the past terms. Shevonne Comments ‘It was ever so nice and touching to see the look on Rosemarie’s face when Rosemarie was approached by myself, the school Headteacher and other staff members that Rosemarie has worked alongside since being at the school. Rosemarie has worked extremely hard and deserved this months nomination.’
School Headteacher – Miss Stride commented ‘Rosemarie has settled in well in the school and is part of the team, she gets on well with all staff and the pupils enjoy working with her, Rosemarie is aware of what is expected from her and always goes that extra mile when she is in school.’
Rosemarie said ‘it was a wonderful surprise, I was not expecting a visit from New Directions, never mind an employee of the month award. It is so nice to be selected for employee of the month and to be appreciated by my employers.’
Shevonne would also like to say Thank you to staff at Grace Mary Primary who were aware that she was coming in to present Rosemarie with her award, and put time aside to be present when presenting the award to Rosemarie.
Well Done Rosemarie from New Directions Birmingham.
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