St Mary’s Tennis Adventure

Pupils from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Llanelli were invited take part in a day of tennis coaching, with the local tennis club.
Pupils in year three and four joined pupils from other local schools in Llanelli in a day out called ‘Fun Tennis.’
The day was an opportunity for pupils to experience a sport which they may not normally get the opportunity to take part in, The children were provided with a full days coaching by the tennis club who hope it will inspire the children to be more active.
Laura Bosomworth, Account Manger at New Directions Education who has a close relationship with many of the schools in the area commented ‘Tennis is not always a sport that is played in schools, however it is important that children have the opportunity to try different sports. The children also got the opportunity to mix with children from other schools in the area which not only provided a community feel it also added to the children’s social skills’
Barbara Frost, Office Administrator at St Mary’s added ‘The pupils had a wonderful time last Friday. Pupils who went to the Fun Day have returned eager to share their new skills with the other children in the School. They have been practicing in the playground and will now be able to play Tennis as a part of their physical education lessons this summer.’
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